Hi, I hope you had a great weekend, because I sure did!
This past weekend number 12 (Born February 26, 2010) was baptized! Yes you read right I am one of 12 kids. Growing up as a Catholic we take all of our sacraments very seriously and usually have a big party.
So we had a party to celebrate her entering into the faith!
My little sister (#12) What a gift from God she is!
My brother (#3) and my sister (#7) are the Godparents!!She did so well!
I can’t believe how much she has grown already!!
Here are all 12 of us!
12 + 2 parents
14+4 Grandparents + 5 nieces and nephews + 1 brother-in-law and minus 1 sister-in-law = 24
It is always great to get together with my whole family!
what are some of your family traditions? Post your link and I would love to check it out. I always love to see families do things together!