Hi, I hope you had a great weekend, because I sure did!
This past weekend number 12 (Born February 26, 2010) was baptized! Yes you read right I am one of 12 kids. Growing up as a Catholic we take all of our sacraments very seriously and usually have a big party.
So we had a party to celebrate her entering into the faith!
My little sister (#12) What a gift from God she is!
My brother (#3) and my sister (#7) are the Godparents!!She did so well!
I can’t believe how much she has grown already!!
Here are all 12 of us!
12 + 2 parents
14+4 Grandparents + 5 nieces and nephews + 1 brother-in-law and minus 1 sister-in-law = 24
It is always great to get together with my whole family!
what are some of your family traditions? Post your link and I would love to check it out. I always love to see families do things together!
Your family is so adorable!! Every Easter my entire family (brothers, sisters, Aunts and Uncles)all get together for Easter. We have the best time!! We hide eggs for all the kids and we even dye the eggs. I love family time! I wish we had it more often!!